India having a vast IT sector with so many talented engineers using their software development techniques to build and innovate new software and driving the software Industry, Big companies like IBM, Google, Adobe, Samsung etc. Having there outsourcing centers in India spend
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The interview of Ashok Singhal by a news channel dragged all my attentions to a very important liability. With all the charm this liability is called “Act of God.” Ashok Singhal in his interview declared the Godhra riot to be an “Act
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A Muslim is called a kithabi. A Muslim has to definitely marry a kithabi that is a Muslim only
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“THE LAST LESSON” (a chapter from my 11th standard textbook) demonstrated language as a means of freedom. I have now eventually realized how important language is. In a country like India, language indeed plays a very important role, since, it states the
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v Juvenile is a person who is person who is minor that is who has not attained the age of majority which is 18 yrs as per Indian Minority act 1999.Juvenile laws are applicable to people who cannot be held responsible for
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In India, Women are treated as Goddess. Indian culture and custom enlightens the importance of women and every religion of India teaches us to respect them. Women are proving themselves in each and every field but still in case of their protection,
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The law of evidence is a procedural law,i.e it neither abridges or gives any right, it is lexfori. The Evidence act permits that evidence can only be tendered for the-: 1. Facts in Issue 2. Relevant Facts There can be two types
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While scrolling through the pages of Current GK, I came across a bulletin, which read as, “India tops the list of first day deaths.” This implies that children in India die on the same day of their birth more than any other
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Registration of Marriages which have already been solemnised. Q. Where do I have to go and during which hours? To the office of Sub-Divisional Magistrate in whose jurisdiction any of the husband or wife resides, during 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on
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The transfer of ownership of a vehicle is to be applied in the concerned zonal office where vehicle is already registered and following are the documents to be submitted:- Registration certificate in original Form no.29 duly filled in duplicate (attested one copy) Form
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