Right To Education Education for freedom was organized to promote human right at every level of society. Human right should be a part of not just the law, but everybody’s life style, by working to promote awareness. Education for freedom hopes not
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Food is the basic necessity to have sustenance of life. We see different sect of people in India, there is a sect of people who have lavish food and who are even ready to waste it in the same of revellers and
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As quoted by Harvey Mackay, “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” This implies that
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Please visit-: http://legalconnectindia.blogspot.in/2013/03/internship-mail-ids.html http://legalconnectindia.blogspot.in/2012/07/legal-internship-for-law-students-in.html Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997 lexspeak.in
In the words of Mark Twain, “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the
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Old age means the age nearing or approximating average life span and the end of human cycle. It is the age which has less reawakening and reconstructive capacity, they feel insecure due to their declined earning capacity. It is the age where they depend upon
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Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997 lexspeak.in
I have found one of the organisation in US which works for Rape related issues-: Here is a glimpse of what they actually do, and we will find solution of our problem in there working-: A brief overview of one of the
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Criminal Amendment Act 2013 Criminal Amendment Act 2013 Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997 lexspeak.in
What is a will? A will is the testament of a person about how his property both movable and immovable is to be managed; It may also include those persons who may become beneficiaries in his property after his death. A will
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