Why its better to give Divorce

Marriages are made in heaven and divorces are made in courts.Relationships are complex and they do end up sometimes. Nowadays in Indian society, divorces are common and it’s no longer a taboo.Divorces are painful but it’s better to give divorce than to suffer in a relationship which is source of grief. Here are the few […]

Prepared to Quash 498a False case!!

Quashing of 498a is not easy, a petition under 482 CrPC is often filed in the HC if a person is aggrieved by a false case, here are the points which would cause rejection of your petition under 482 CrPC 1.No defect in FIR If the FIR disclose an offence prima facie in nature then […]

Tips to start your own Legal Blog…

If you are a lawyer or a law student and you really need to put an impact on the public at large with your own legal blog-: Here are the simple tips which would help you to start your own blog and help you to be more involved in social media arena. 1. Choose a […]

Judgements on 498a and Interim Maintainence

Struggling with 498a and Interim maintenance cases  here are the few judgments which would help you-: Download Judgments—498a-interim-maintainence-cases Queries—Here Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997 lexspeak.in

Things you should know before filing a lawsuit.

Lawsuits can be an expensive affair, therefore preparing yourself well before lodging a lawsuit is essential, here are the few tips which you should consider before filing a lawsuit. 1. Documents/Witnesses- Make sure you have all the requisite evidence before staking any claim in the lawsuit, which includes all the documents, A seasoned lawyer would […]

Interim Maintenance order is not interlocutory order! Can be revised

After considering the whole matter, I am of the view that the argument has no force. Under the Code there is no provision for filing an application for granting interim maintenance during the pendency of main application under Section 125 of the Code after the Supreme Court judgment holding the right of the petitioner under […]

Delay in maintenance to wife violates human rights: SC

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has ruled that family courts cannot delay grant of maintenance to an estranged wife and said there was no escape for a husband from the responsibility of giving sustenance money to his wife despite soured relations.  Dealing with a case where grant of maintenance had been delayed by nine years, […]

An undocumented way to climb the corporate ladder

Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997 lexspeak.in

Relief for 498a false case victims

CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1277 OF 2014 (@SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CRL.) No.9127 of 2013) ARNESH KUMAR ….. APPELLANT VERSUS STATE OF BIHAR & ANR. …. RESPONDENTS J U D G M E N T NEW DELHI, July 2, 2014. Our endeavour in this judgment is to ensure that police officers do not arrest accused unnecessarily and […]

Trick to demolish a Case

Interrogatories-The domain left unknown After the filing of plaint and WS, the procedure of settlement of issues takes place. The material facts which are admitted by one party and denied by another party forms the material issues. Now on these material issues the evidence needs to be given by the parties. Now before proceeding to […]