Patents when granted form a property for the Patent holder, bestowed with several rights and monopoly over the invention. A patent forms an Intellectual capital for a firm and an asset for an individual. Like any other movable property, A patent can
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Patents are known for their inventiveness, novelty and non-obviousness. Patents when granted give its holder an exclusive sovereign right to have a monopoly over the patented product or a process. A patent is granted only when an application for the patent is
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Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997
The Critical Analysis of Novartis V Cipla Case Verdict by Supreme Court. In a landmark judgment that has the potential to change the direction of India’s pharmaceutical business, The Supreme Court denied that the drug Glivec manufactured by the pharma giant Novartis is
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