Divorce Granted Because wife filed various false complaints against Husband

In the recent case of Divorce. The High court granted divorce on the ground of the wife filing various frivolous petitions/complaint against the Husband. The Wife has filed multiple complaints with different authorities and due to false complaints, Mental cruelty was inflicted on the husband by wife… The Husband presented various evidences against wife, like […]

Which expenses can help you reduce the Maintenance

In a recent Judgement of Delhi High Court In Sarita Bakshi Vs. State the Hon’ble High Court first evaluated the salary slip of the Husband which looked like as mentioned below.. The Husband has deliberately shown a GPF loan deduction of Rs. 5150 which is deducted from salary but court held in this Judgement as […]

No Arrest in 498A after FIR 2 Months Cooling off period

In a recent Judgement of Allahabad High Court the court has passed following guidelines regarding arrest in 498a cases (i) No arrest or police action to nab the named accused persons shall be made after lodgingof the FIR or complaints without concluding the “Cooling-Period” which is two monthsfrom the lodging of the FIR or the […]

Some Judgements related to 498A quashing

Here is the analysis of some of the Judgements related to 498A quashing 498A Quashed because wife failed to mention allegations of dowry demand in written statement filed by her in the Divorce Case filed by Husband It appears that marriage of informant-opposite party No. 2 and petitioner e No. 3 was solemnised on 1.7.1998 […]

How to get Bail Fake Promise to Marry Rape Cases?

These days fake promise to marry rape cases are on the rise. Through this article I want to disclose best strategy to get bail in such cases. How is your best chance to get Bail/Anticipatory Bail in such cases.. I have Analyzed few Judgements which will help you.. In the Judgment of Navdeep Singh Vs. […]

Can Police Impound my Passport if I come to India attending false 498A case?

The most common question these days for the NRI citizens is that if they come to India can their passport be impounded? The Answer to this is neither the court nor the police has power to impound the passport.. In a recent case decided by the Delhi High Court in which the passport of a […]

Supreme Court New 2022 Judgement on Quashing…

The Quashing of complaint or FIR relies on many principles which are consolidated by few Judgements of Hon’ble supreme Court only. In a recent Judgement of Hon’ble Supreme court in Musstt Rehana Begum vs. state of Assam and anr. The Hon’ble supreme court has quashed the complaint filed by the Husband on the ground that […]

Interim Maintenance Denied to Wife in a DV case

In a recent domestic violence case filed by the wife against the husband an interim relief of maintainance was denied by the court on following facts: Wife Allegations: Husband and his family used to taunt the wife for dowry and demand dowry. they used to treat wife with cruelty and they forced her to was […]

How to get Bail in 498a/376 and 377 IPC

The allegations of 376 and 377 are put in 498A IPC are just put in to take the case out of Arnesh Kumar. As per Arnesh Kumar 7 Years offences are exempted for automatic arrests. so to make it more lethal allegations of 376 and 377 are put in along with 498A IPC But court […]

If wife backs out from the settlement. What you can do?

Now the cases are settled between the Husband and wife and settlement terms are signed and you are ready to live a Free Life. Now what happens is that you gave some money or streedhan articles at the first motion of divorce But wife does not turn up for doing formality at the second motion […]