The Right to Waste Time.

As quoted by Harvey Mackay, “Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.” This implies that time is something precious. To make my point strong, here are a few […]

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Legality of surrogacy in India

           Motherhood as everyone says is the worlds best relationship between a child and her mother, call is globalisation or modernisation this precious relationship has turned into a business to some people and dreams come true to some other. Surrogacy is an arrangement or call it an agreement between a woman and the intended parents […]


In the words of Mark Twain, “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.” India is a country […]

Analyzing Negligence

Negligence: Inviting disasters Negligence refers to doing of an act which a reasonable person would not do and not doing an act which a reasonable person would do. Negligence is both, civil and criminal. In general, Criminal negligence is negligence that is aggravated, culpable .On the other hand, civil negligence often the breach of duty of care which injury […]

why old age is becoming curse for many people?

Old age means the age nearing or approximating average life span and the end of human cycle. It is the age which has less reawakening and reconstructive capacity, they feel insecure due to their declined earning capacity. It is the age where they depend upon their kith and kin for pecuniary, physical and emotional needs. But at this efficacious and […]

How to stop police investigation, If there are malfide in the investigation.

In order to stop investigation by a police officer due to malfide,  the writ under Article 226(mandamus) must be moved and magistrate does not have any power to stop the investigation and call for inquiry u/s 159 CrPC. [Citation] Related articles NTSB to investigate delayed evacuation of Asiana flight – Los Angeles Times ( Tsarnaev […]

Capital punishment for Rape Justified ?

The debate over the capital punishment has in the recent past acquired renewed vigour. The government of the day has been insisting on the increased use of capital punishment for crimes other than murder, particularly rape. Certain women’s group have welcomed this. The judiciary too has been awarding the capital punishment for violent crimes with increased regularity, […]

Environmental Laws-Path to sustainable development.

  We have laws for human beings which are quite popular area of legal practice, but above all the laws Mother Nature has its own laws and if we break those laws laid by the nature then in every probability we would get punished by the nature. The recent disaster at uttarakhand is an example […]

Criminal courts must consider Mediation in the cases of 498a although it is non compoundable offence: SC

Section 498 a of the IPC is not compoundable, in appropriate cases if the parties are willing and if it appears to the criminal court that there exist elements of settlement, it should direct the parties to explore the possibility of settlement through mediation. Related articles What Does a Mediator Do? (