How courts give Divorce?

By tanya Saraswat We all know that marriage is one of the best moments of every individual’s life and we all some on the other part want to marry someone and wants to have our partner to be loyal and will stable to give us better company so that we will grow as an individual. […]

What is the purpose of DIR in Domestic Violence Case?

The Domestic Incident Report or DIR is prescribed form for the magistrate and is filled by the protection officer for the purpose to assist the magistrate. The DIR Performa is given in FORM-I of the schedule II of the rules. This Performa is a detailed analytical form wherein the details of each of the incident […]

Can you file a case against wife or her relatives for giving Dowry?

In 498a complaints there is a common issue that wife or relatives of the wife alleges that they have given dowry in the marriage. Section 3 of Dowry prohibition act states as under “3. Penalty for giving or taking dowry.- (1)] If any person, after the commencement of this Act, gives or takes or abets […]

The Haryana Real estate regulatory Authority having its office at Gurgaon near the district court

Types of Complaint which can be filed in HRERA Gurugram/ Gurgaon? There are two type of complaints that can be filed in HRERA Gurgaon. You need to fill the CRA forms and submit your complaint. The Court fee is Rs. 1000 which can be paid online only. Both online and offline process is set up […]

How court assess standard of living in maintenance cases?

The standard of living assessment is the accurate measure of determining the amount of maintainance. In the maintenance cases there is a tendency to cover up the income so that the maintenance of the husband can be reduced but by assessing the standard of living court can assess maintenance according to standard of living not […]

Cross examination questions you need to ask in false 498a

The art and science of cross examination in 498a is the key for winning the case. The right kind of questions will influence the judge in making a judgement regarding the credibility of the witness and to shake his/her credibility questions are to be crafted using the strategic values of these things.. Questions which shake […]

No eviction of Daughter in law from the House of mother and father in law

This is a new judgement of Hon’ble Supreme court n which the eviction of Daughter in law from the shared household is not possible. Now there is a scenario when mother in law/father in law could file the proceedings under the senior citizens act in connivance with the son to evict the daughter in law […]

Maintenance Case what is favor of Husband?

The new Maintenance Judgement is against men or in favour of wife that has to be seen from a presepective. The Maintenance laws are obviously considers right of wife to get maintainance we cannot say that law is in favour of women, when the law is already there. But the new Judgement only clarify the […]

How maintenance cases will now be decided-New SC Judgement

With so many ambiguities in deciding maintenance cases the Hon’ble supreme court has decided to frame guidelines throughout the country to decide maintenance cases. Basically to give uniformity to the procedure to be followed throughout the country here are the key points and various judgements The Judgement is Rajnesh Vs. Neha (a) Issue of overlapping […]

Criminal Case of Defamation after Acquittal in 498a

The question is can you put a case of defamation on wife after you get acquittal in 498a. The issue has complicated answer and has mixed set of judgments some are in favor of husband and some are against. Before proceeding let us analyse what is section 499 of IPC is Section 499. Defamation – […]