How to prevent loan default?

Preventing loan default is a big problem especially for individuals, Since, being the part of the legal profession, I take it as my responsibility to ensure that Justice should not only be done, but seem to have been done. In today’s world where most of the financial transactions are done in the name of “friendly […]

Suit under section 6 specific relief act-preventing homeless

A suit under section 6 of specific relief act is lodged when there is an illegal dispossession of any person who was enjoying a peaceful possession of the property from a long time. The purpose of this enactment is to prevent the unlawful dispossession of any person from the property. If the dispossession is done […]

Cruelty for the purpose of Divorce

Getting Divorce on Cruelty The degree of proof needed to prove cruelty and getting divorce on grounds of it is far less than in the cases of 498a, because in divorce cases preponderance of evidence is more important than proving cruelty than proving it beyond reasonable doubt. In recent judgement Parveen Mehta vs Inderjit Mehta […]

About 498a

Understanding 498a cruelty 498a envisaged in indian penal code, it is called as legal terrorism, most of the married men in India are facing false cases and spending lot of time in litigation and lot of harassment, the main soul of this section is cruelty, the word cruelty is interpreted by various judgments by […]

Divorce in India.

There are two kinds of divorce in India one is contested divorce and the other one is the mutual consent divorce. In the contested divorce the divorce proceedings are ugly and time consuming, apart from other proceedings your wife can lodge 498a, which is a terror on Indian men, its a criminal offence and is […]

what is 125 Crpc?

125 Crpc is  special proceedings envisaged under the criminal procedure code for awarding maintenance to wife, old parents and children, ours is a social welfare society, taking care of women, children and old parents is the values which we are getting from vedic times. However the legal mode to execute this is under 125 Crpc. Under […]

5 Things Startups may do to avoid litigation..

Here are the quick tips startups can implement to avoid startup litigation. recently there have been very good startups ending up in courts fighting cases and tarnishing reputation like recent case is of TVF pitchers, fighting for equity stake in the company. Here are the 5 quick tips. 1. Have an agreement A startup running […]

5 Myths about litigation|that you should let go

You need godfather, contacts, backing Yes things do get easier when you have the contacts, godfather and backing, but it does not mean without this its impossible to enter litigation. Days were long gone when only godfather, contacts, backing were an important factor in litigation. Today there are many other ways to start your own practice […]

Property documents needed before buying property in India

Legal documents to be checked before buying a property in India Buying a house or flat is a dream coming true for a common man. It always gives immense pleasure to buy your own property. Today’s market is full of hundreds of options depends upon your budget, location or segment. Hundreds of brands of the […]

Education under consumer protection

There has been lot of ambiguity regarding the consumer complaint related to educational institution under the consumer protection, 1986, In the recent development  Hon’ble Supreme Court in “Maharshi Dayanand University v. Surjeet Kaur”, 2010(2) CPC 696 S.C., relying upon all earlier judgments held that education is not a commodity. Educational institutions are not providing any kind […]