Is the wife really threatened you? In many matrimonial cases I have seen wife many time threatens husband to commit suicide or attempt one. But why she do this? The reason why she do this can be plenty most common are listed
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One of my client staying abroad had got a call from police one day asking him to join the investigation in India. The police asked my client to come to India. He recieved only call and called me that the police has
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The essential ingredient of 406 IPC is entrustment of dowry articles with proof of possession. The allegation of entrustment should be present in the FIR. The wife should be able to produce the proof of ownership. I.e Bills and photographs. As regards section
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Irretrievable breakdown of the marriage is not a ground by itself. But while scrutinizing the evidence on record to determine whether the ground(s) alleged is/are made out and in determining the relief to be granted, the said circumstance can certainly be borne
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How complaint is filed? If the wife has committed perjury in court i.e. suppose she has stated in her examination in chief that she is not working at the time of the application and the husband brings in such record to show
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