The Domestic Incident Report or DIR is prescribed form for the magistrate and is filled by the protection officer for the purpose to assist the magistrate. The DIR Performa is given in FORM-I of the schedule II of the rules. This Performa
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In 498a complaints there is a common issue that wife or relatives of the wife alleges that they have given dowry in the marriage. Section 3 of Dowry prohibition act states as under “3. Penalty for giving or taking dowry.- (1)] If
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Types of Complaint which can be filed in HRERA Gurugram/ Gurgaon? There are two type of complaints that can be filed in HRERA Gurgaon. You need to fill the CRA forms and submit your complaint. The Court fee is Rs. 1000 which
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The standard of living assessment is the accurate measure of determining the amount of maintainance. In the maintenance cases there is a tendency to cover up the income so that the maintenance of the husband can be reduced but by assessing the
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