I will discuss complete procedure of filing complaint and format of UPRERA and HRERA. As of now RERA is offering compensation on delayed possession at the rate of MCLR +2% Rera is the fastest remedy available to get your refund or possession
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TRIPLE TALAQ ILLEGAL Summary of Supreme Court Judgement The practice of Triple Talaq was going on for many years In India and it was incorporated in Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937. The main reason why triple talaq was challenged in Hon’ble
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What is Insolvency? Insolvency is the state of being unable to pay the money owed, by a person or company, on time; those in a state of insolvency are said to be insolvent. There are two forms: cash-flow insolvency and balance-sheet insolvency. Once
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Transfer Petition Supreme Court Recent trend These days Hon’ble Supreme court is not lenient in allowing transfer petition in favor of wife and is mostly dismissing these kind of petition and citing Krishna Veni Nagam vs Harish Nigam In the aforesaid judgement the
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