Here is the summary or you may say links to all my posts which will enhance your Knowledge on Maintenance and Interim maintenance. Wondering how courts assess the maintenance and Interim maintenance amount here is post and 125 CrPc. There are some landmark
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Start-Up India initiative as initiated by PM modi and in my earlier post I had discussed about the scheme benefits and funding part-1 is here and part 2 here. So as per the notification by the government first step you need to
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5 Steps To Win The Interim Maintenance Interim maintenance can fight with different ways it is mostly depend upon the type of party, type of lawyer and other factor and it change case to case basis, but as per my observation few are
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A Delhi court has said that even a working wife is entitled to interim maintenance from her estranged husband irrespective of differences in their earnings. The court made the observation while awarding Rs.35,000 interim maintenance to a woman who blamed her husband
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TRANSFER PETITION IN SUPREME COURT:- When wife files the transfer petition in Supreme Court usually husband is defenceless, although husband receives the summons from the Supreme Court if the transfer is from one state to another, here are some of the judgements which
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As, you became a recognized startup by following the process mentioned in the part one of my earlier post, now its time to cash in the real money that is the funding. In order to provide funding support to Startups, Government will
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Recently Pm Modi had announced the scheme related to Startups and extended his support towards innovation, its a very good step considering in mind a lot of startups are emerging and they need some sort of support to survive. the StartUp India initiative
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