Here the conditions which could help if you are moving an application to quash 498a under 482 CrPC 1 Where the allegations made in the FIR or complaint are so absurd and inherently improbable on the basis of which no prudent person can
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Through this article I will be assisting you on whether to file a criminal case under section 498a of IPC or not? What do you want from 498A? Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can
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Anticipatory Bail envisaged in 438 CrPc with an intent to protect people who may face arrest due to false accusation.As there was no remedy for a false complaint earlier and the accused person have to apply for Bail after his arrest which
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The trial of Nirbhaya’s case is now over and the five accused were convicted and awarded highest form of punishment as per the law. But how the four accused before the Saket court defended their case. Although I personally feel that there
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1. Sand mining is a lucrative business, as demand of high quality is high than supply, naturally I will get more money per ton of sand, As government is not auctioning sand mines at faster rate so for a simple reason illegal
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Abortion! The moment you here this word there is some strange expression and a morose feeling in you. It is one of the world’s most painful feelings for the mother. Now the point to be considered is that whether this
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Motherhood as everyone says is the worlds best relationship between a child and her mother, call is globalisation or modernisation this precious relationship has turned into a business to some people and dreams come true to some other. Surrogacy is an
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Negligence: Inviting disasters Negligence refers to doing of an act which a reasonable person would not do and not doing an act which a reasonable person would do. Negligence is both, civil and criminal. In general, Criminal negligence is negligence that is aggravated, culpable .On
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The debate over the capital punishment has in the recent past acquired renewed vigour. The government of the day has been insisting on the increased use of capital punishment for crimes other than murder, particularly rape. Certain women’s group have welcomed this. The
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Section 498 a of the IPC is not compoundable, in appropriate cases if the parties are willing and if it appears to the criminal court that there exist elements of settlement, it should direct the parties to explore the possibility of settlement
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