How You can Quash 498a against Your Relatives.

Is Your relatives are Victim of False 498a case? Quash 498a -Vague allegations in Fir The case of 498a can be quashed when there are vague the allegations in the FIR. A FIR is a first document on which whole investigation and chargesheet is based. Quashing false 498a is a technique and depends on following […]

Challenges for home buyers approaching against builder at NCLT Insolvency

Amendment in insolvency and bankruptcy code and home buyers entry to NCLT The recent amendment in the IBC code has open the gates of NCLT for home buyers to approach NCLT. The National company law tribunal or NCLT is the forum where now home buyers can seek a declaration to declare a builder company as […]

How to get Mutual consent fast..

  Thank You we will Contact you ASAP…Or You may call at 9891549997 Advocate Nitish Banka Nitish BankaNitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997

The aftermath of #MeToo

  What will happen after you expose someone on #MeToo   The #MeToo movement has created a rage among various women especially from bollywood to expose offenders by naming them on various platforms and social media among the leading plat form. The quick result after the expose of an offender on social media will result […]

Lawyer For Special Leave Petition(SLP) in Supreme Court

All legal services by highly qualified lawyer for SLP in Supreme Court of India with confidence and excellent results. Services of lawyer for SLP in Supreme Court of India for filing and defending Special Leave Petition in civil laws and challenging the orders of High Court. Services of lawyer for SLP in Supreme Court of […]

Transfer Petition in supreme court in Favor of Husband

What is a Transfer Petition ? Section 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure enables the Supreme Court to transfer any Case, appeal or other proceedings from High Court or other civil court in one State to a High Court or other civil court in any other State. This power can be and generally is exercised by the Supreme […]

Can you get refund with interest on the money invested in the builder project?

Can you get refund with interest on the money invested in the builder project? The delay in builder projects in many projects have sparked a debate on getting refund with interest on the money already invested in the builder projects. In consumer forum one thing is to be proved is there was a delay in […]

How your company can deal with Sexual Harassment at Workplace?

How your Organization can deal with Sexual Harassment at Workplace? These days we hear a lot of harassment to women employees at a work place. It is the duty of the employer to ensure a safe working environment for women employees. That is the reason why Sexual Harassment of women at work place Act(Prevention, Prohibition […]

How to Fight False 498a?

How to Fight False 498a-A complete Guide 498a is filed by wife just to harass you.   False 498a cases are very common in the society and lot of steps has been taken by Hon’ble Apex court also to prevent its misuse. Quashing of false 498a is possible but first you need to know the […]

498a Misuse Supreme court recent Judgement

498a Misuse Supreme court recent Judgement The judgement of Rajesh sharma Vs. state of Uttar pradesh had a detailed guidelines to check the 498a misuse by married women against the husband and relatives of the husband. Even the apex court has recognized the misuse of 498a a tool to harass innocent people so the Supreme […]