In this article I will cover 5 grounds with Judgments holding in the field on the grounds how maintenance can be denied to the wife. The Five Ground are Wife Living separately without sufficient cause. Wife living in Adultery Professionally qualified wife-Capable
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In most of the 498a case the interested witnesses are the core of the criminal trial. The witnesses of wife like father mother, brother do come to court and reiterate the version of complaint. But the question here is Do conviction happen
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In husband wife disputes a lot of heated arguments takes place and sometimes Husband threats to wife that he will kill her or will harm her and wife lodges a case of Section 506 IPC. What you can do? The Answer to
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The power of court under 319 Crpc If you are facing false 498a and your family members are also implicated in the case. Sometimes police assures you that the name of some of the family members will be removed and they will
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These days filing 498a and divorce are becoming an ordeal in a Matrimonial cases in the country. Once a wife files 498a which is without any evidence of course and as a result of which husband files divorce petition under section 13(1)(i-a)
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What court considers before discharging an accused in crminal cases.. Under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973, the Discharge Application is the remedy that is granted to the person who has been maliciously charged. If the allegations which have been made against him
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Now another aspect in false 498a case is the case of 406IPC which is related to the streedhan of the wife. The main ingredients of 406 IPC Entrustment of dowry Articles Non return of dowry articles Misappropriation I have already made a
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What is protest petition? There is no mention of protest petition in CrPC and no defination of protest petition is there. Now a protest petition is a say of the informant or complainant in a police investigation. Now if there is some
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here are certain types of witnesses in 498a and there is a strategy to deal with each one of them we are going to discuss this in detail with this article PW-1 is complainant or wife, this witness has made a complaint
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Section 9 or RCR(Restitution of Conjugal Rights is a section used to save marraiges. The Hindu Marraige act is enacted to preserve sanctity of marraige rather than to have divorce and split. In section 9 RCR the court is using one step
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