Best Judgements in 498a
There are many Judgements in 498a but the most used judgements are mentioned Below:-
1. Arnesh Kumar Vs. State of Bihar..
This Judgement is most commonly used especially in bail arguments and best argument to secure bail is the non-compliance of 41A notice. If you have not got 41A notice in 498a you will definitely be eligible for bail and IO has to first comply with requirement of 41A notice if pursuant to compliance of 41A notice you will not be arrested.
2. Geeta Mehrotra Vs. State of UP.
This judgement is used in quashing 498a against your relatives who have been falsely implicated in the case. If there are vague and bald allegations this judgement is most widely recommended.
3. Narinder Kaur V/s State(NCT of Delhi) 2007(141)DLT 761
This judgement talks about the conditions which can be imposed while granting anticipatory bail. Court cannot grant maintenance as a condition for anticipatory bail.
4. Social Action Forum for Manav adhikar vs. UOI
This Judgement overuled Rajesh Sharma and Others vs. State of UP and talks about changes in law for proper framework for dealing with 498a court cannot design a framework.
5.In Vishal Arora V. state
The return of stridhan articles are not the ground to reject bail
By Advocate Nitish Banka
Nitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997