Best Judgement to use keep your family members out of 498a

I am sharing best judgments you can use to keep out relatives of husband out of false 498a… Remember that I have made lots of videos of quashing 498a fir in case of relatives of the husband like his mother father, sister or brother. Wife generally implicate relatives of the husband who are mother, father […]

Can the report of Mediation be used as evidence? What if wife admits she has done a false case.

The question is if wife admits that she has done a false case to implicate other people in mediation can I use this as a evidence can mediator can be a witness? The Answer of this question is clearly no. Mediation proceedings are the confidential proceedings in which the party can do conversations without being […]

Independent witnesses in 498a

You are saying that your wife has done a false case on you very well but do you know that if wife brings independant witnesses in court in her favour then it will be come case of conviction. Independent witnesses are the key for 498a trial. Independent witnesses adds credibility of the case and courts […]