online FIR in Delhi -How to File

online FIR in Delhi –

How to file

Online FIR in Delhi can be lodged if you have lost mobile phone.wallet or any documents. The Delhi police has an online portal on which by just entering basic information you may lodge a Missing Lost articles and NCR report without visiting police station.

Online FIR in Delhi

What is NCR report?

NCR report is non cogniziable report which can be lodged for non-cogniziable offences as mentioned in Indian penal code.

Non Cognizable offence

  • A non-cognizable offence has been defined in Criminal Procedure Code as follows, “`non-cognizable offence’ means an offence for which, and `non-cognizable case’ means a case in which, a police officer has no authority to arrest without warrant”.
  • Non-Cognizable offenses are those which are not much serious in nature. Example- Assault, Cheating, Forgery, Defamation.


  • Section 155 of CrPc provides that in a non-cognizable offense or case, the police officer cannot receive or record the FIR unless he obtains prior permission from the Magistrate.


  • Under a Non-Cognizable offense/case, in order to start the investigation, it is important for the police officer to obtain the permission from the Magistrate.

Here are some Non Cogniziable offences include Public Nuisance, Causing Simple Hurt, Assault, Mischief etc.

Read more at:

Purpose of the Online FIR Portal

Information you need to provide for successful reporting:

1) Name

2) Father’s / Mother’s Name

3) Address

4) Mobile Number (Not Mandatory)

5) E-mail ID

6) Place, Date & Time (if known) of Loss

7) Description of Lost Articles (Can add upto 10 items in one report)

Please Remember:
This portal is not for registering FIR but only NCR that means it is simply an information for record and to facilitate you to get duplicate documents issued.

Police is not going to take any action or try to search for your loss items or documents after this reporting. If you want Police to trace your lost items etc,

please contact your nearest Police Station. List of Contact Details of Police Stations in Delhi.

Please do not use this option if loss is due to theft or some other crime.

Adv. Nitish Banka



2 Thoughts to “online FIR in Delhi -How to File”

  1. Sunil kumar sinha

    my official I-Card has been lost in the area Chankaya puri New Delhi on 07/03/2018 about 03.00 pm

    1. Sunil kumar sinha

      my official I-Card has been lost in the area Chankaya puri New Delhi on 07/03/2018 about 03.00 pm

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