Transfer petition in Supreme Court-Flavor of The season Contact for budget legal solutions for SUPREME COURT Call@ 9891549997 Yes, this is how the transfer petition in supreme court for matrimonial cases are being addressed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. Every second
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Supreme court SLP filing-some important steps The special leave petition to the supreme court is maintainable against any order of court or tribunal where there is no appeal lies against the final order of any court. The Constitution of India under Article
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The most used terminology in the courts of law is “Your Honor I cannot continue this sacred relation because of the cruelty committed on me”, but the shocking and sad state of affair is that the opposite party comes with more severe
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How your builder Cheating you-How to Stop Real estate Fraud-Part-1 These days the real estate sector is down and many builders are delaying construction and abandoning the construction work and thereby as a result of which the builder cheating on you which is emerging, the innocent
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