Divorce by Desertion Desertion is also ground for divorce in India, but the most difficult part is how to prove desertion in court of law. A layman may think desertion as his/her spouse is living separately for the period of 2 years
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Is it cheating? Now a day’s a number of criminal cases are being filed on the failure to perform the agreement to sell or execute the sale deed in favor of the buyer. But the question that comes to everybody’s mind
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A cheque is defined under the Negotiable instrument act and if a cheque is bounced and liability on cheque is not discharged,it creates an offence under section 138 NI act, now the presumption under section 139 of the NI act is a
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The concept and the idea of mutual consent divorce is envisaged in section 13 B of Hindu Marriage Act, it is the easiest form of divorce in India till now, however still the requirement of section 13 B is that both thee
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The necessity to grant anticipatory bail arises mainly because sometimes influential persons try to implicate their rivals in false case for the purpose of disgracing them or for other purpose by getting them detained in Jail for some days to get their
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How Maintenance to wife is assessed in S.24 HMA There are some criteria’s which are set by Indian courts in order to calculate and assess maintenance to be paid by the Husband to wife under S.24 of HMA. Did you though that
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Bail not Jail Yes this is how the principle is enshrined in the constitution of India and Article 21 of the constitution of India enshrines this principle as “Right to Life”. But can we say that this principle is being followed in
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Specific Performance of Contract The Specific Relief Act, 1963 have come with an sole objective to grant the specific reliefs in multiple ways like specific performance of contract (movable as well as immovable property) Injunctions (permanent, temporary and mandatory). But in
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125 CrPc-How to alter the maintenance Once the order of maintenance is pronounced under 125 CrPC by the court against the husband than what is the legal recourse the poor husband has? One is to go for revision and already scope of
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125 CrPC-Scope of Revision These days many men are affected by the final order of maintenance towards their wife and are looking for best possible legal option to reduce interim/final maintenance amount or even looking for setting aside the said amount. The
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