succession certificate in India
About Succession certificate
A succession certificate is granted by the court in order that legal heirs get a full authority to control the debts and securities of deceased father or mother, husband or wife. Now since after death of a person a legal heirs are the immediate persons who will get the movable assets of a deceased person. The process of succession certificate is a summary process to determine the authenticity of legal heirs.
About Application to get succession certificate.
In order to get the succession certificate an application under section 372 of Indian succession act is to be filed in the court of senior civil judge, jurisdiction is determined on the basis of where the decease resides or where his assets are situated.
The civil judge will examine the application and on first date of hearing would pass following orders
->Publication in leading newspaper.
-> Order SDM of deceased residence to examine legal heirs.
-> order the bank where assets are situated to come up with all records.
Once these steps are cleared and there is no opposition and statements of all legal heirs are recorded the court would grant the succession certificate by furnishing indemnity bond an surety.
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Advocate Nitish Banka

Nitish Banka is an advocate practicing in Supreme Court of India and can be reached at [email protected] or 9891549997