Tips to start your own Legal Blog…

If you are a lawyer or a law student and you really need to put an impact on the public at large with your own legal blog-:

Here are the simple tips which would help you to start your own blog and help you to be more involved in social media arena.

1. Choose a Platform

WordPress and blogger are the two well known platforms,both offers premium and free themes, you can design your blog as per your creativity and needs,visit other blogs to get an idea about the design aspects.

2. Name and TitleĀ 

Choose a funky name which makes an appeal to the world, which is easily to be remembered and pronounced,The name should reflect the objective of the blog, so you must be clear about the objectives for which you are making your blog.


This is a very important aspect as far as possible post your original content to make your blog more appealing, be more creative with words and post useful stuff to attract audience.

4. Sharing

Have a page on fb, twitter and join various groups related to your blog posts, share the posts there in groups to attract audience.

5. About you

Your blog should contain comment option and brief about your profile,there should be a page dedicated to entertain queries.

These tips are enough to start with—-Happy Blogging.

For assistance in opening your blog–Please mail me at [email protected]