Law relating to Cyber Squatting

As the scope of Internet is expanding day by day and more and more businesses are moving on the internet. sites like,, Have earned lot of reputation and are identifiable by their domain name then by any other trademark. While trademark is for physical world, domain names are the trademarks in the virtual domain. However […]


Attempt comes under sec 511 of IPC.   There are 4 stages of crime:   1.Intention. 2.Preparation. 3.Attempt. 4.Commissioning of a crime.   So law does not recognizes any crime in forming an intention and to some extent prepratio,for preparation only preparation like raging war against nation (sec 122) and other criminal acts related to […]

Condonation of Delay in case Appeals

Condonation of Delay in case Appeals Section 5 of the Limitation deals with condonation of delay in case of appeal. Since the limitation period for appeals is very short, this section is then introduced to meet the end of justice such that the purpose of justice is not defeated merely because there is “sufficient cause” […]