Criminal courts must consider Mediation in the cases of 498a although it is non compoundable offence: SC

Section 498 a of the IPC is not compoundable, in appropriate cases if the parties are willing and if it appears to the criminal court that there exist elements of settlement, it should direct the parties to explore the possibility of settlement through mediation.

5 Thoughts to “Criminal courts must consider Mediation in the cases of 498a although it is non compoundable offence: SC”

  1. How can you mediate with a criminal or personal accused to be a criminal ??? why is this done ??? this is the best way to make a quick buck …because IF the husband continues to fight he will win the case… so drag the case..tell the husband at some point ..”…yaar why NOT pay …” and make him pay thru his nose … THIS IS PLAIN LOOT in daylight ….

    1. Sir please read the judgement I have share the link, the offence is a private offence and is a part of family law so mediation is an option before trial commences, this is an exception

  2. indranil bansal

    well nitish ji you hv brought about a very important and very criticl aspect of law which usually no lawyer will try and tell people or their clients to do that is sec 251 crpc nd 145 demanding evidence under the perview of law and not mere heresay. i wish you comunicate this aspect more nd more on social media , and also with formate example since most to the layment do not even know how to approach the court or the police station

    1. Yes sir, I will keep that mind and thanks for visiting LexSpeak

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